Thursday, February 4, 2010


My topic is focusing on health and basically obesity. This is world wide spreaded problem. And this is something that needs to be brought to attention and looked at because of all the overweight people that need facts about this topic. They need facts that will help theme live a healthy life . But it does need brought to attention and this is one the ways to bring this to attention. I have seen many games showing many health facts. But I think that my game will be about obesity.

1 comment:

  1. This is such an important issue and a great game topic. Have you started identifying resources on the web where you can get your facts/stats? Also, I think your game could even dispel myths about obesity and help sensitize people to the plight of obese people. While many obese people are obese because of their eating habits and lifestyle, there are those who are obese because of genetics or who have added obstacles that they must overcome (like living in a poor neighborhood with limited healthy lifestyle options). The First Lady of the United States (Michelle Obama) has made the topic of childhood obesity a major issue that she will be working on. You can probably catch her interview with Larry King (CNN) on Youtube if you missed it last week.

    I look forward to seeing your progress!!

    David Lowenstein
    State Director, Globaloria WV
